The Consultation

What to expect

The initial consultation will last one to one and a half hours with follow up appointments taking approximately half an hour.

I will take a very in depth case history including asking about your family history as this will help me best determine how to help you.

Occasionally I will prescribe your remedy at the end of the appointment (particularly in an acute illness such as a fever, an ear or throat infection, a tummy upset or a panic attack) but more often I will review the case in detail and post your remedy to you the following day. Your prescription may be in tablet or liquid form. Since homeopathic remedies are non-toxic they can safely be used for babies and children and during pregnancy. Remedies can also be safely used alongside prescription drugs.

How long does treatment take?

Acute conditions tend to resolve quickly but if you have a long standing chronic condition, a course of treatment will be needed. As each patient is an individual it is hard to be specific but you can expect to see me at least once per month for at least three months. Follow-ups may be scheduled with larger gaps as your health improves.

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